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Wild Bird Tables

Made in wood wild bird tables are open or roofed, have a perch for birds to stand, allow rain to drain away - styles hang, are mounted or bird tables on a stand.

Published 31st August 2020

Hanging Bird Tables

Hang up a traditional or more unique wooden bird table made out of wood with a slate, felt or bare wood roof, each using different fixings to hang up.

Published 30th August 2020

Wall Mounted Bird Tables

If your garden decor can handle a wall mounted bird table made in wood then make it one of the following, designed to compliment most garden landscapes.

Published 27rd August 2020

Open Bird Tables

Unlike their roofed counterparts, open top bird table are more accessible to you and your wild birds - its easier to clean while offering better views.

Published 23rd August 2020

Bird Tables on Stand

Make it a standing bird table on a solid wooden post that stands 6 ft. in total; made with a chunky build and a angled roof to keep rain away.

Published 7th July 2019

Bird tables for small birds only

To attract small wild birds to the garden you need to cater for them; that would include changes to the bird table size with reduced accessibility, to deter large birds.